based on METIS consortium document E-LIS-NOVA-MET-0042_0-2_Abbreviations_and_AcronymsList version 0D2, 4 Oct 2016; with additions (see Wiki change log)
µm micrometers, microns
AC Alternating Current
AD Applicable Document
ADC Atmospheric Dispersion Compensator
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
ADI Angular Differential Imaging
AGPM Annular Groove Phase Mask
AI Action Item
AIT Assembly, Integration and Test
AIV Assembly, Integration and Verification
ALMA Atacama Large Milimetre Array
alt altitude
ANF Antofagasta
AO Adaptive Optics
AOP AO Pick-off
AO RTC Adaptive Optics Real Time Computer
AOWFC Adaptive Optics Wave-Front-Sensor Camera
APP Apodizing Phase Plate
AR Anti-Reflective
arcmin arc minute
arcsec arc second
ART Adaptive Relay Tower
ARU Adaptive Relay Unit
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ATE Automatic Test Equipment
ATP Acceptance Test Plan
ATR Acceptance Test Report
AU Astronomical Unit
az azimuth
BFL Back Focal Length
BITE Built-In-Test-Equipment
BOL Beginning of Life
BOM Bill Of Material
C Centigrade
CAD Computer Added Design
CB Circuit Breaker
CCB Changed Control Board
CCD Charged Coupled Device
CCS Cold Central Structure
CCS Central Control System/Software
CD Compact Disk
CDR Conceptual Design Review
CE Common Elements
CE Conformité Européenne
CE Constraint Equation
CEN European Committee for Standardisation
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation
CETOP Comité Européenne des Transmissions Oléohydrauliques et Pneumatiques (Euroean Fluid Power Committee)
CF ConFlat - high vacuum connection system using metallic gasket
CFC Continuous Flow Cryostat
CFO Common Fore Optics
CFP Call for Proposals
CFRP Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic
CHO Chopper
CI Configuration Item
CIDL Configuration Item Data List
CII Core Integration Infrastructure
CM Consortium Meeting
CM (CM1, CM2…) Curved Mirror
CMMS Computerised Maintenance Management System
CoG Centre of Gravity
COM Commissioning Phase
Co-PI Co-Principal Investigator
COTS Commercial Off The Shelf (products)
CPL Common Pipeline Library
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRE Change Request
CRE-PF Change Request Proposal Form
CRE-SF Change Request Submission Form
CRIRES CRyogenic InfraRed Echelle Spectrograph
CRY CryoVacuum
CST Cold Stop
CTE Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DC Direct Current
DCS Detector Control System
DD Deliverable Document
DEC Declination
DET Detector Subsystem
DFE Detector Front-End Electronics
DFI Data Flow Infrastructure Department of SDD
DFS Data Flow System
DG Director General
DIC Data Interface Control
DICB Data Interface Control Board
DICD Data Interface Control Document
DID Data Interface Dictionary
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
DIT Detector Integration Time
DLR Damage Limitation Requirement
DM Deformable Mirror
DMD Data Management Division
DMO Data Management and Operations Division of ESO
DN Nominal Diameter
DoC Declaration of Conformity
DoE Directorate of Engineering
DOF Degree of Freedom
DoI Declaration of Incorporation
DoO Director of Operations
DOORS Dynamic Object Oriented Requirements System
DoP Director of Programmes
DoS Director of Science
DPQC Data Products and Quality Control Group of DMO
DRD Document Requirements Definition
DRL Data Reduction Library
DRS Data Reduction System
DSO Divisional Safety Officer
EC European Commission
EDP External Data Product
EELT European Extremely Large Telescope
E-ELT European Extremely Large Telescope
EFL Effective Focal Length
EFOV Effective Field Of View
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EH Entrance Hall
EHSR Essential Health and Safety Requirements
EIR ESO Instrument Responsible
ELFN Extra Low Frequency Noise
ELT Extremely Large Telescope
EM Electromagnetic
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EN European Standard (Norm)
EQ Earthquake
ES Edge Sensor
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ESO European Southern Observatory
ESO European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
ETC Exposure Time Calculator
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EU European Union
EUT Equipment Under Test
EW Entrance Window
FAR Functional Acceptance Review
FDIR Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery
FDR Final Design Review
FE Finite Element
FEA Finite Element Analysis
FEM Finite Element Model
FF Feedforward
FITS Flexible Image Transport System
FL Focal Length
FM (FM1, FM2…) Folding Mirror (flat)
FMECA Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis
FO Fore Optics
FOV, FoV Field of View
FP (FP1, FP2,…) Focal Plane
FPA Focal Plane Assembly
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
FPS, fps Frames Per Second
FPT Flat Platform Truck
FPWFS Focal Plane WaveFront Sensing
FS Field Stabilization
FWHM Full Width at Half Maximum
G10 Glass fibre/epoxy insulating material
Gbytes Gigabytes
GTO Guaranteed Time Observations
GUI Graphical User Interface
H2RG Hawaii II RG (infrared detector array produced by Teledyne Imaging Systems)
HA Hazard Analysis
HALT Highly Accelerated Life Test
HAWK-I High Acuity Wide field K-band Imager
HCI High Contrast Imaging
HDRL High-Level Data Reduction Library
HDU FITS Header + Data Unit
HF High Frequency
HFT Hardware Failure Tolerance
HoA Head of Administration
HoD Head of Division
HR High Resolution
HRS High Resolution Spectrometer
HSM Health Status and Monitoring
HST Hubble Space Telescope
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
HW Hardware
HX Heat Exchanger
Hz Hertz
I/F(s) Interface(s)
I/O Input/Output
IAA Instrument Assembly Area at Armazones
ICD Interface Control Document
ICS Instrument Control System/Software
ID Identification Number
IDD Instrument Description Database
IDF Instrument Definition File of an Exposure Time Calculator
IDP Internal Data Product
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IFM Integral Field Mode
IFM Interface Matrix
IFOV Instantaneous Field Of View
IFS Integral Field Spectrograph
IFU Integral Field Unit
IFV Interface Visualization
ILS Interlock and Safety System
IMG Imager
INC Instrument Control
INL Integral Non-Linearity
INS? Instrument Division of ESO
INS? Instrument Subsystem
IOT Instrument Observing Template
IP Inspection Point
IP International Protection Marking (IEC 60529)
IQ Image Quality
IR Infrared
IRM Integration Readiness Meeting
ISDD Instrument Software Design Description
ISFS Instrument Software Functional Specification
ISMP Instrument Software Management Plan
ISO International Standards Organisation
ISRM Installation Readiness Meeting
ISUM Instrument Software User and Maintenance Manual
ISURS Instrument Software User Requirement Specification
ITE Information Technology Equipment
IWS Instrument Workstation
JWST James Web Space Telescope
K Kelvin
KF Klein-Flange - easily dismountable vacuum connection system
Kg Kilogram
KM Key Milestone
KM (KM1, KM2,…) K-Mirror
KO Kick-off
KOM Kick-Off Meeting
L (L1, L2,…) Lense
LCS Local Control System
LCU Local Control Unit
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEMP Lightning ElectroMagnetic imPulse
LGS Laser Guide Star
LLCU Linux Local Control Unit
LMS LM Spectrograph
LN2 Liquid Nitrogen
LOO (Telescope) Low Order Optimisation (active optics)
LPM Lyot-plane Phase Mask
LPM Local Project Manager
LPO La Silla Paranal Observatory
LPZ Lightning Protection Zone
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LSE Local Systems Engineer(ing)
LSZH Low-Smoke Zero-Halogen
LT Launch Telescope
LTA Laset Tomography AO
LTAO Laser Tomography Adaptive Optics
LUT Look Up Table
LV Low Voltage
m meter
M1 Primary Mirror
M2 Secondary Mirror
M3 Tertiary Mirror
M4 4th mirror in E-ELT (or Quaternary Mirror)
M5 5th mirror in E-ELT
MAAL METIS Abbreviations and Acronmys List
MAIT Manufacture Assembly Integration and Test
MAIV Manufacture Assembly Integration and Verification
mas miliarsecond
MCAO Multi-Conjugate Adapative Optics
MCMT Maximum Corrective Maintenance Time
MCT Mercury Cadmium Telluride (HgCdTE) – a common material used for detecting infrared light
MET Short form of METIS
METIS Mid Infrared E-ELT Imager and Spectrograph
MIDIR E-ELT instrument: Mid Infrared imager and spectrograph
MIRI Mid Infra Red Instrument
mm millimeter
MOAO Multi-Object Adaptive Optics
MoS Margin of Safety
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MPO METIS Project Office
MS (Telescope) Main Structure
MS Maintenance Software
MSS Main Support Structure
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTR Main Transit Ring
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
n.c. Normally closed
n.o. Normally open
N/A Not Applicable
NCP Non-Common Path
NCPA Non-Common Path Aberrations
NCR Non-Conformance Report
NCR No Collapse Requirement
NGC New General Detector Controller
NGCU Nitrogen Gas Conditioning Unit
NGS Natural Guide Star
NIH New Integration Hall
NIR Near-Infrared
NTT New Technology Telescope
OAP Off-Axis Parabolic mirror
OB Observation Block
OCD Operations Concept Description (or Document)
OPC Observing Programme Committee
OST Observation Summary Table
OT Observing Tool
P2PP Phase 2 Proposal Preparation
PA Product Assurance
PAC Preliminary Acceptance Chile
PACT Position Actuator
PAE Preliminary Acceptance Europe
PAE Provisional Acceptance Europe
PAF Parameter File
PBC Protective Bonding Circuit
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PDR Preliminary Design Review
PDRM Pluggable Data Reduction Module
PE Protective Earth
PELV Protective Extra Low Voltage
PFD Probability of Failure on Demand
PFH Probability of dangerous Failure per Hour
PFS PreFocal Station
PH2 Phase 2
PHA Preliminary Hazard Analysis
PHL Preliminary Hazard List
PI Principal Investigator
PI/CO-I Principal Investigator/Co-Investigator
PID Proportional Integral Derivative
PIP Pipeline
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PM Project Manager
PO Project Office
PoA Paranal or Armazonas
PoE Power over Ethernet
PP (PP1, PP2,…) Pupil Plane
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PRNU Photon Response Non-Uniformity
PSD Power Spectral Density
PSD Pipeline Systems Department of SDD
PSF Point Spread Function (system response to an infinitely narrow stimulus)
PSH Phase Separator Hole
PSO Paranal Science Operations
PT Pulse Tube
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
PTV Peak to Valley
PWV Precipitable Water Vapour
px pixel
QA Quality Assurance
QC1 Quality Control Level 1
QE Quantum Efficiency
QSS Quasi-Static Speckles
RA Right Ascension
RAM(S) Reliability Availability Maintainability (Safety)
RAVC Ring Apodized Vortex Coronagraph
RB Reduction Block
RBE Rigid Body Element
RCCB Residual Current Circuit Breaker
RCD Residual Current Device
RD Reference Document
RF Radio Frequency
RFW Request for Waiver
RMS, rms Root Mean Square
ROHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances
RON Read Out Noise
RTC Real Time Computer
RTD Read Time Display
SA System Analysis
SAM Sparse Aperture Masking
SAP System Analysis Plan
SCA Single Conjugarte AO
SCAO Sincle Conjugate Adaptive Optics
SCL Santiago de Chile
SCP Service Connection Point
SDI Spectral Differential Imaging
SDD Software Development Division of ESO
SE Systems Engineer(ing)
SELV Safety Extra Low Voltage
SEMP Systems Engineering Management Plan
SGDP Science Grade Data Product
SH Shack-Hartmann
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SL Systems Lead
SMA Saturation Management Algorithm
SMO Spectrometer Main Optics
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
SO Static Offsets
SO Science Operations
SOP Small Outline Package
SoW Statement of Work
SPD Surge Protective Device
SPE Technical Specification
SPO Spectrometer Pre-Optics
SRCF Safety Related Control Function
SRECS Safety-Related Electrical, electronic and programmable electronic Control System
SRF Spectral Response Function
SRS System Requirements Specifications
SSE Site Safety Engineer
SSM Spacecraft Support Module
SSR Solid State Recorder
ST System Team
STSDAS Space Telescope Standard Data Analysis Software
SV Science Verification
SVN Subversion (software versioning and revision control system)
SW Software
TBC To Be Confirmed
TBD To Be Defined
TBR To Be Reviewed
TCF Technical Construction File
TCS Telescope Control Software
TMA Three Mirror Anastigmatic
TMP Turbo Molecular Pump
TR Time to Repair
TRB Test Readiness Bord
TRL Technology Readiness Level
TRR Test Readiness Review
TRS Time Reference System
TS Technical Specification
TSE Thermal Self Emission
TT Tip-Tilt
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
USD User Support Department of DMO
UT Unit Telescope
UTC Universal Time Coordinated
V&V Verification & Validation
VC Vortex Coronagraph
VCS VLT Control Software
VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik
VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
VIC VLT Instrument Consortium
VIT VLT Instrument Team
VLT Very Large Telescope
VLTI Very Large Telescope Interferometer
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
WCS World Coordinate System
WCU Warm Calibration Unit
WFE WaveFront Error
WFS WaveFront Sensing
WIN (entrance) Window
WP Work Package
WRT, wrt With Respect To
WS Workstation
WSS Warm Support Structure
WVR Water Vapor Radiometer